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Evolution of the Yeti: A Retrospective

July 14, 2012

Concepting the character that we all have grown to know and love here in the Yeti Cave was one of the first tasks I was assigned with when I joined this startup back in January. Since this little guy's inception he has been embarking on new adventures, evolving new traits and portrayed in various styles.

"But how did it all begin?", you may find yourself asking. Come with me and I will show you.

"So yeah, I mean, we need a Yeti," Tony said. "A sagely Yeti."

With clear direction on how to approach the creation of the company's new mascot I did a quick google search for some inspirational Yeti images and began to doodle what features stood out most.

As you can see, these were all kind of, "eh".

The first attempts usually are, so I wasn't discouraged. My second pass was a little more free-form.

I knew I was getting somewhere when I drew the octopus and it became clear that it was now time to employ my patented, tried and true method for character creation: drawing a bunch of thumb creatures until I found something I was happy with.

Now we're getting somewhere! Beginning to look familiar? It wasn't long after these sketches that this little guy came into being.

Then I wanted to see what his insides looked like. You know... for science and stuff.

And that's it! After I had developed a clear understanding of how to the Yeti looks (inside and out), the Yeti's potential had been realized. Here are some other early Yeti concepts.

It is apparent that the Yeti's style will be evolving over time just as the company does, but at his core he will always represent the same thing: jumping headfirst into new and exciting challenges and having fun along the way.

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