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Get Feedback

Better business decisions through customer feedback surveys

Get Feedback creates beautiful, customizable and mobile-friendly  customer feedback surveys.

They believe that better surveys incite better responses, which lead to more real-time data and as a result, better business decisions.  Get Feedback users are able to easily integrate their feedback data with customer data in Salesforce, allowing them a 360 view of their customers.

The Challenge

Get Feedback is currently serving as a survey tool with bolted on higher value functionality. While the tool is successful, the Get Feedback team feels that it is perceived more as a salesforce tool than the stand alone product that it is. In order to move away from being perceived as such, they would like to move towards building out the product with additional features.

The product's information architecture also needed improvement. Users found the product to be difficult to navigate, leading to many features becoming lost an underused. Additionally, Get Feedback lacked a way for users to learn about the products best practices, resulting in a great deal of manual customer on-boarding by the Get Feedback team.

Get feedback’s initial navigation tended to change when navigating from page to page, creating instability for the user. In order to help the user navigate the product more readily,  we restructured their information architecture , creating a robust navigation system for the product. We gave users a clear path to follow through the primary areas of the application by expanding nested links on click and adding meaningful icons to reference when the navigation is collapsed.

Additionally, we added a customer journey map feature that Get Feedback plans to build out in phase 2 of the project. This feature will be used to map out their phases and to define various actions, such as when a Net Promoter Score or Customer Satisfaction score gets sent out.

The Outcome

To test the efficacy of the new product design we ran usability testing on both our low and high resolution prototypes. The general layout of the interface, redesigned navigation and table based view of the surveys was well received. Additionally, users loved the best practices modal. We learned that users found the Customer journey map to be an exciting idea, validating that it will be a desirable feature to build out in Phase 2.

The Solution

In order to get to the heart of the Get Feedback team's needs, our initial step was a two day Design Sprint. During these two days we outlined the platforms current problems,  identified opportunities for improvement and developed a clear idea for what we needed to design to move the product forward.

To help users learn how to use Get Feedback, discover new product features and learn CX best practices,  we created a best practices modal. For ease of use we designed this area to be easily scanned and to list concrete steps that can be carried out by the user and when this isn’t possible we provide links to the specific help needed.

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